Forge City Works is a non-profit organization in Hartford, Connecticut. They believe in connections and opportunities fueled by food. Since 2007, they have been investing in people and in Hartford. They provide job training and food access through sustainable social enterprises, empowering people to improve their lives. This approach is exemplified by their community-facing outlets: The Kitchen, Fire by Forge, and The Grocery.
Their mission is to offer continued job training opportunities, provide economic opportunity through employment, invite the community to their table, and create memorable and remarkable culinary and hospitality experiences for their guests. By engaging the disengaged, helping individuals overcome barriers to employment, and creating neighborhood economic development, they are a catalyst for breaking cycles of poverty and homelessness, assisting individuals to realize economic opportunities, and transforming community. It’s a progressive mission close to our hearts: Richard sat on their board and we have had a long history standing shoulder-to-shoulder with this great organization.