01 | Logo

Logo Clearspace
Clearspace around the logo is equal to the cap height of the letter M.

Logo Color
Logo should be white on darker backgrounds and full color on lighter backgrounds.

Logo Scale
Smallest size: for web: 108 pixels wide / Smallest size: for print: 1.5 inch wide.

Logo Icon for Social Media
The logo can be reduced to the M icon for social media use.

Logo Guidance

Don’t stretch the logo.

Don’t use the logo in other colors.

Don’t use other fonts.

Don’t pair the logo with marks other than the MES icon.
02 | Brand Colors

RGB 88 118 88
CMYK 67 36 71 18
HEX #587658
PMS 5545C
PMS 555U

RGB 110 144 80
CMYK 56 20 81 16
HEX #6d9050
PMS 7490C
PMS 576U

RGB 68 91 123
CMYK 80 63 33 13
HEX #445b7b
PMS 653C
PMS 653U

RGB 33 42 58
CMYK 85 74 51 56
HEX #212a3a
PMS 533C
PMS 5463U

RGB 88 88 90
CMYK 64 56 53 28
HEX #58585a
PMS 425C
PMS 425U

RGB 202 222 229
CMYK 20 5 7 0
HEX #cadee5
PMS 642C
PMS 642U

RGB 239 239 239
CMYK 5 3 3 0
HEX #efefef
03 | Typography
Primary Font: Lato
This headline is three lines and set to Lato Bold.
This subhead is half the point size of the headline and set to Lato Normal.
The Body Copy is set to Lato Normal — Lato is a humanist sans-serif typeface designed by Łukasz Dziedzic. It was released in 2015. The name “Lato” is Polish for “summer”. As of August 2018, Lato is used on more than 9.6 million websites, and is the third most served font on Google Fonts, with over one billion views per day.