01 | Mission
Our mission is to dismantle structural and systemic racism and achieve equity in social and economic mobility in American communities.
One community at a time, all at the same time.
02 | Logo

Logo Clearspace
Clearspace around the logo is equal to the height and width of the “+” sign.

Logo Background
Logo should be used in color on white or light color backgrounds.

In some instances, the logo can be used against dark backgrounds – note the type needs to be white.

Logo Guidance

Don’t stretch the logo.

Don’t use other colors for the logo.

Don’t use other fonts.
03 | Logo Colors

RGB 158 94 154
CMYK 42 74 9 0
HEX 9e5e9a
PMS 2593 C
PMS 2593 U

RGB 248 137 82
CMYK 0 57 73 0
HEX f88952
PMS 158 C
PMS 158 U

RGB 63 190 183
CMYK 18 85 100 7
HEX 3fbeb7
PMS 3262 C
PMS 3262 U

RGB 65 177 85
CMYK 74 3 92 0
HEX 41b155
PMS 361 C
PMS 361 U

RGB 199 219 86
CMYK 26 0 83 0
HEX c6db55
PMS 381 C
PMS 388 U

RGB 88 89 91
CMYK 0 0 0 85
HEX 58585b
PMS Cool Gray 11C
PMS Cool Gray 11U